PIXTON Pixton is a comic creation site (as well as Android and iOS app) where creators can both make and share their comic strips. It's simple to navigate. After teachers establish a classroom site, they receive codes to distribute to students. Students can join by entering the code or teachers can manually add students to their class page. After students create an avatar (in comic form, of course!), they follow the step-by-step comic creator to begin their graphic stories. Teachers can make a specific assignment, or let students create freely. Options include the number of panels and the layout of a page. Visual icons help students add artwork, backgrounds, and text bubbles to comics (students don't draw their own stuff here but pick from a bank of fun images). A handy link to video tu...
5 Incredible Ways To Make Foreign Friends Would you like to be able to make foreign friends , but you just don’t know how? There is no reason to fret – Finding people related to you from other corners of the globe is easier than you might think, you just have to learn a few useful tips, such as frequenting foreign environments, having lunch in exotic restaurants, learning new languages in foreign countries, enrolling in summer courses or even spending your holidays in countries as fascinating as Spain. Come and join us as we expand on these tips for helping you make foreign friends . Friendship is a trait capable of uniting people from all environments, conditions and cultures; According to a well known study conducted by the University of Virginia (United States), friendship increases our empathy – A characteristic which can be a permanent effect lasting to and elderly age. Do You Want To Make Foreign Friends? 5 Helpful Tips For Success Eat At Foreign Restau...
WHAT IS QUİZLET? Quizlet is a website that enables you to make electronic flashcards. ( A flashcard is a piece of card with a with a word on one side and definition picture or translation on the other,used as a aide-memorie for learning vocabulary.) aide-mémoire something, usually written, that helps you to remember something On Quizlet, you can find thousands of sets of flashcards made by other people,but better yet,if you sign up (easy and free!), you can easily make your own sets. This means you can help yourself learn any words or phrases that you can choose. Pronunciation: Quizlet offers text to speech function which usually works pretty well. Students can also practice with the Spell activity on Quizlet. - Pictures : You can upload an image and then click on areas of the image to mark items in the image, creating an interactive diagram . Sentence structure : Have a correctly written sentence...
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